What Are You Committed to?

Reading time: 1 minute

Is there a divide between what you say you’re committed to and what you’re actually committed to? Know how to tell? Look at your life! (And be ruthlessly honest.)

For example, let’s say you tell yourself you’re committed to enjoying life, but you spend most of your time following doubts and negative thoughts down suffering bunny holes and worrying about the future. Committed to joy: true or false?

Or, you insist you are committed to nurturing your creativity, but you haven’t structured your life and routines in such a way that allows even a little time for creative expression. Committed: true or false?

Or, you swear you are committed to good health, but you don’t prioritize exercise and can’t seem to resist inhaling the entire chip bag once it’s opened. Committed: true or false?

A coaching mentor once put it to me like this: when commitment and actions are aligned, there is a congruence between what you say, who you are, and how you show up in the world. We’re not talking perfect calibration—no such thing. (And we aren’t dismissing the fact that trauma and/or repressed emotion might be contributing to blocked action.). But when commitment and actions are aligned, it will look something like a straight line:

Actions - Commitment 7.23.20 aligned.png

When we say we are committed but our actions don’t back it up, it looks more like this:

Actions - Commitment - not aligned.png

Obviously, what we’re committed to evolves and changes over time as our values shift. Sometimes radically so. Mine have.

The question is: does your life right now align with what you say you value and are committed to? If not, what’s something small you can do today, this week, this month, or this year to bring it into closer alignment? Give yourself the gift of time to reflect on this and take baby steps with authentic action. Otherwise, you may find yourself with the nagging sensation that you’re living someone else’s life.

And who needs that horse shit 🐴💩?


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